2 Easter I Spy Coloring Sheets for Kids (Free Printable)

Inside: 2 Easter I Spy Free Printable coloring sheets for kids perfect for the Easter season. 

Easter is just around the corner along with warmer days and spring flowers. Today I want to share a couple of fun Easter I-spy free printables with you (get the free pdf at the bottom of this post). 

I made two different Easter I spy pages one is filled with all the typical easter things like easter eggs, easter baskets, bunnies and more. The other page is focused on the Easter story with the empty tomb, Christ, the cross and more. 

One of the reasons I created these Easter I-spy coloring page printables is for any easy activity. The printable is an easy no-prep activity that’s fun for the kids to do at home, in the classroom, at an Easter egg hunt or in a Sunday School class.

Easter I Spy 

The Easter I spy page is not only a fun activity for kids of all ages its’s a great way to make learning fun. 

I-spy pages are a great way to practice basic math skills (number recognition and counting), memory skills, and fine motor skills.

Easter I Spy Free Printable Pages

There are two different printable Easter activity pages below. One is a Christ centered easter story page and the other has all the fun easter things. Both are great activity pages for kids.  

Each of the free printable Easter activity pages also includes an answer key.

One copy of each I spy page has a blank square for kids to count and write the number of items they see, the other page has the number of items to be found. 

Depending on the age of kids doing this activity you may want to use the answer sheet as the activity page and have them count that many items instead of figuring out how many items there are. 

Fun Easter I-Spy Game

The first 2 Easter I – spy pages have different easter-themed images for kids to color that are filled with traditional easter items including:

  • Easter Bunny
  • Easter Eggs (several different patterns)
  • Bunny Ears
  • Easter Basket
  • Baby Chicks
  • Flowers
  • Butterfly

Page one leaves the numbers blank and page to has the numbers already on the page. 

Easter Story I Spy Page

Pages 3-4 in the pdf file are I-spy pages with parts of the Easter story, this page is one perfect for an Easter Sunday Lesson. 

For this game sheet the images are all a little bit larger and each item is found less than 10 times making it a great activity for both younger kids and older kids. 

The images for kids to color and find on this page include:

  • Christ with his arms out 
  • Jesus Christ on a donkey
  • A Man with a Palm Leaf
  • Guards 
  • The Empty Tomb 
  • Mary 
  • The Cross
  • Food

There are a few spring flowers that are also hidden on the page…but you don’t need to count those! 

Printing and Using the I-Spy Pages

Printing the activity page is simple. Decide which page (out of the 4 options) you want to use and print as many copies of the game coloring pages as you need. I like to print them on regular printer paper but for a sturdier page you can use white card stock. 

​After printing you are ready to use the printable worksheets with your own kids or in the classroom during the Easter holiday season. 

Tip: To reuse the Easter activity sheet you can put the page in a dry-erase pocket and have kids use dry-erase markers. 

Using I- Spy Pages

Like I mentioned above there are a variety of times that using this fun easter activity works great including:

  • holiday classroom party
  • quiet time activity
  • kids Easter dinner activity
  • road trips
  • Sunday school classes
  • rainy day activity

A couple of fun ways to change up this fun easter activity page include:

  • Having young kids use the page with the correct number of pictures already numbered to practice counting skills.
  • Instead of writing the number have kids write tally marks for each of the easter-themed objects.

Free Printable I Spy Eater Page

Please keep these printable pdf files for personal use and classroom use. Feel free to share a link to pin this post so others can find this fun activity and get the printable activity sheet.

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