Inside: Some of the most wacky and fun holidays to celebrate in 2025. Along with holidays for almost every day of the year.
Did you know there are fun and wacky holidays to celebrate almost every day of the year?
We all know about Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the 4th of July. You’ve probably even heard of siblings day, grandparents day, and pie day.
But did you know there was a national bubble bath day, Donald Duck day, and tell a joke day?
That’s right there are all kinds of random national days. While these funny national holidays and world days aren’t necessarily official holidays they can be a lot of fun to celebrate.
Celebrating Fun Holidays in 2025
I love putting random holidays in my planner each month. We don’t celebrate each of these unique holidays but we have a few favorites we celebrate each year.
When we have a day without any plans doing a little activity for these funny holidays is always fun.
Here are just a few of our favorite national days to celebrate. Don’t worry you can find more of the national days for each month by clicking the links to go to each months holidays.
National Days to Look Forward To in 2025
These are just a few of the fun national days we like to celebrate each month. You will find links to posts that list more fun holidays for each month along with ideas for celebrating.
Fun Kid Holidays 2025 (Sorted by Month)
Check out the fun and wacky national days throughout the year broken down by month.
Below the list of some of the holidays for each month is a link to get a free printable list of holidays for each month.
Plus you’ll find fun ideas on how to celebrate each of the fun and wacky holidays this year.
January is the start of the new year and fun holidays and new memories.
The big holidays in January are New Years Day and Martin Luther King Day
Silly Holidays in January
- Buffet Day
- Bubble Bath Day
- Winnie the Pooh Day
- Popcorn Day
- Hot Sauce Day
- Puzzle Day
- Lego Day
- and more!
Get the full list plus a printable of holidays in January here.
February is one of the coldest months of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. For many of us it also feels like one of the longest months of the year.
Luckily there are some fun holidays during this cold month.
Big holidays in February are Ground Hog’s Day, Valentines Day, Mardi Gras, Chinese New Year and President’s Day.
Fun Holidays to Celebrate in February
- Dark Chocolate Day
- Carrot Cake Day
- Nutella Day
- Kite- Flying Day
- Umbrella Day
- Random Act of Kindness Day
- and more!
See the rest of the holidays in February here (+get a free printable list).
March is the month where it starts to warm up…or not. For many of us March is filled with a few false starts to spring. But Spring does officially start this month…even if it might not feel like it.
Big holidays in March include St. Patrick’s Day and sometimes Easter.
Random Holidas in March
- Pig Day
- Dr. Seuss’s Birthday
- Oreo Cookie Day
- Mario Day (One of our Favorites!)
- Pi Day
- Corn Dog Day
- Waffle Day
- Crayon Day
Find the rest of the fun and wacky holidays in March here.
In April it actually starts to feel like spring and it’s time to start enjoying being outside without the freezing or sweltering temperatures.
April Fools Day and Easter are probably the first holidays to come to mind when you think of April.
Wacky Holidays in April
- Children’s Book Day
- Chocolate Mousse Day
- Read a Road Map Day
- Unicorn Day
- Scrabble Day
- Picnic Day
- Pretzel Day
- and more!
Find more of the holidays in April here.
May is the month that I start getting excited for summer. By the end of my it starts to feel like summer with pools opening and warmer temperatures.
Memorial Day, Cinco de Mayo, Mother’s Day are the big holidays in May. But there are plenty of fun and wacky ones too.
Silly Holidays in May
- Star Wars Day
- No Socks Day
- Clean Up Your Room Day
- World Baking Day
- Pick Strawberries Day
- Paper Airplane Day
- and more!
Find more holidays in May here (plus a free printable)
In June we celebrate the official first day of summer and typically the start of summer break.
Big holidays to remember in June are Father’s Day and Flag Day.
Random Holidays in June
- Flip a Coin Day
- Hot Air Balloon Day
- National Picnic Day
- Donut Day
- Corn on the Cob Day
- Sunglasses Day
Find more holidays in June here.
July is the middle of summer break filled with hot and lazy days. Which is the perfect time to celebrate these fun random holidays.
The big holiday in the United States is Independence Day (aka the 4th of July). In Canada, Canada Day is celebrated in July.
Fun Holidays in July
- National Ice Cream Day
- Cow Appreciation Day
- Fried Chicken Day
- Video Game Day
- Hammock Day
- Harry Potter’s Birthday
- and more!
Get the list of other holidays in July here.
August usually marks the end of summer vacation and the start of school. It doesn’t have any “big” holidays but is a popular time to take a summer vacation.
August has a lot of fun holidays I want to celebrate, including a lot of food ones.
Wacky Holidays in August
- Raspberry cream pie day
- Root beer float day
- National waffle day
- Coloring book day
- Bowling Day
- Beach Day
- and more!
Find more holidays in August here.
In September we have the first day of fall and Labor Day for the bigger holidays. It’s also usually the last few weeks to enjoy your favorite summertime activities before the cooler all weather comes.
Fun Holidays in September
- Cheese pizza day
- Guacamole day
- National teddy bear day
- Read a Book Day
- Rice Krispies Treat Day
- Talk Like a Pirate Day
- and more!
Find more holidays in September here.
Fall is here and the leaves are starting to change colors and it’s time for all things pumpkin spice!
Halloween and Columbus Day are the big holiday for October. Don’t worry there are a lot of fun holidays.
Random Holidays in October
- National Taco Day
- Pumpkin cheesecake day
- Pumpkin Day
- Candy Corn Day
- Fossil Day
- and more!
Find more holidays in October here.
November is when the weather really starts to cool off for many of us and it’s the start of the holiday season.
Big holidays in November are Veterans Day and Thanksgiving (in the United States).
Fun and Wacky Holidays in November
- World Kindness Day
- Mickey Mouse’s Birthday
- Nachos Day
- Clean out Your Fridge Day
- and more!
Find more holidays in November here.
The last month of the year has the biggest holiday of the year…Christmas!
Christmas and New Year’s Eve are the big holidays in December.
Fun Random Holidays in December
- National Christmas Lights day
- Cookie day
- St. Nicholas Day
- Ninja Day
- Gingerbread House Day
- and more!
Find more holidays in December here.
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